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So you’re bound to have a couple of questions. See if we’ve given the answer on this page. If we still haven’t helped, just flick an email to [email protected]and we’ll get right onto it.
The big factor in determining how much you can borrow is affordability. Or how much the repayments will be compared to how much disposable income you have. The lender we approach on your behalf will take this into account with your application.
Interest rates will vary depending on things like your credit rating, how well you’ve managed and paid off loans in the past, as well as if you’re a home owner or stable renter.
This is decided based on a couple of factors: 1) how long you would prefer the loan to last and
2) how much you can comfortably afford to repay each month.
It’s usually in your best interests to repay the loan promptly. But as long as all the necessary bits fall into place, your loan term will be between one and seven years.
We’ll do our very best to get back to you with a result within 2 hours. If your application is extra-urgent, just give us a call on 0800 MONEY CO as soon as you’ve sent in your completed application.
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